Welcome to APPU, Anonymous Saturday, April 20 2024 @ 02:46 pm JST

About APPU

General News(All Members)

I. Brief Introduction of the APPU


“Peace, stability and prosperity are the greatest desires of the Asian people, yet there is tension and strife in Asia and many are suffering from poverty and disease. In the light of this situation, the Asian Parliamentarians’ Union (APU) aims at achieving and preserving freedom and democracy, thereby securing peace and prosperity in Asia. The APU is the union composed of national groups of parliamentarians who agree with this aim.”
This quoted remark is an epitome of the purpose of the APU established in 1965. Since 1975 onwards, however, close relations between the APU member nations and the Pacific Island nations have rapidly developed, so the 16th General Assembly held in Taipei of the Republic of China decided to amend the Charter to change the name of the APU to the Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union (APPU) and to provide for associate membership in order to widen its scope and to strengthen solidarity and the force of freedom in the Asian-Pacific region.


General News(All Members)

APPU は1965年(昭和40年)に、アジア地域における東西対立を背景に、岸信介元総理ら有志の提唱を受け、志を同じくするアジアの国々によって創設された「アジア国会議員連合」(Asian Parliamentarians’ Union : APU)が基盤となっている。

1980年には、当時独立を達成しつつあった太平洋島嶼国の要望に応えて「アジア・太平洋国会議員連合」(Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union:APPU)に名称を変更、太平洋島嶼国も次次と加盟した。

Welcome to APPU

General News(All Members) Welcome to APPU, the Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union!

This site is operated by the Central Secretariat of APPU, which was established in Tokyo, Japan for the sake of serving the members of APPU.

This page is open for public.

If you are a member of APPU, we prepare the Username and Password, ready at the Secretariat of your National Group.

We hope this site will be very much use of the members and also good to announce to the public the activities of APPU, how it has been contributed the peace and solidarity in the Asian-Pacific region.


General News(jp)




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電話 (03) 5571 - 5805 ファックス (03) 5573 - 4881
電子メール info@mail.appu-cs.org